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Our Promise

We promise to deliver to you the best New Zealand food & dairy products, combining them with the finest local and imported ingredients where required.

Our journey begins in the deep South of New Zealand, far away from human influence. Where untouched, high-up Alpine glaciers form, flowing into crystal clear lakes, meandering down ancient river beds, settling upon these pastoral lands the minerals, nutrients and vitamins that create some of the best farming conditions in world today.

This land holds Gold. New Zealand Gold!

Our Commitment

From our farms to your home, we take great care to protect the goodness of milk. Our New Zealand farmer families are committed to the strictest standards of quality control through regular on-farm testing and independent farm and environmental assessments. Our tanker drivers collect milk samples from every farm they visit to test its quality.

Our New Zealand processing sites are all accredited with advanced quality and safety systems. Before our food is exported, we carry out a range of quality assessments specific to the destination country’s regulatory authorities and customer requirements.



Seal of quality

Our unique endorsed certification mark of New Zealand’s highest quality foods. Where you see this mark it means each product has been carefully packed after rigorous testing and process risk management. Ensuring only the very best ingredients have been included in the product. No less than 80% of this product must be New Zealand only ingredients and the manufacturing has been approved under the ministry of prime industries bonded processes for food security and trusted sources. Each product must have New Zealand food safety registration numbers and identifiers on the packaging with full traceability of every ingredient placed in the endorsed package.


product safety tracking system

We take food safety very seriously. For complete food safety assurance we track and trace all our products. In the example a mum is checking the QR code with a scan to check this is one of our genuine products. Linking directly to our manufacturing database we can send you details of the product, expiry dates or various ingredients of interest to you.

We also use electronic chips in the lids and seals of some of our products. These near field check an order that has been sent via our Direct 2 You sales platform in specific locations that require the very highest security assurances. Our product is electronically coded directly at the factory to your unique user access and authenticates you as the genuine product owner.

“Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy Food.”
— Hippocrates Father of Medicine